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Voice Evacuation System
Voice Evacuation System
Voice Evacuation System
TOA's "total assembly" production system helps us more efficiently produce our wide range of products while maintaining the highest quality. In this system, several workers form a work station, and each station completes the entire assembly of their assigned product, taking responsibility for all production processes, from parts purchasing to the supply of the finished product. This has resulted in a significant increase in product precision, greatly minimized waste and heightened production efficiency, while increasing the speed with which our products can be shipped to market.
TOA has received certification under ISO9001 international standards for quality assurance, in recognition of TOA's establishment of a total quality control system for manufacturing activities ranging from product planning to development, production, installation and after-sales service. Moreover, TOA has been focusing on protecting the Earth's environment as one of its key management themes, and actively promotes the development of technologies and products that reduce our impact on the earth. As a result of these efforts, TOA has also received ISO14001 certification, the international standards for environmental management systems. Further, TOA has achieved Level 2 of the CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) international index for businesses involved with railway vehicles, which evaluates software development processes to ascertain the degree of capability attained. Continuous efforts are being made to improve our development capabilities and quality.
To ensure the confident, long-term use of its products, TOA has established a well-organized customer support system, including an Information Center. These facilities are always prepared to quickly respond to all technical questions and provide consultations on acoustics and sound, as well as to answer inquiries about our products. All comments and suggestions received are studied and passed on to corresponding departments as a means of ensuring better products in the future.
Total Customer Satisfaction In All Our Products
So that customers can use our products with total confidence and satisfaction,
we work to produce reliable, high-quality products.
Every person in TOA carries out his or her role with complete sincerity and honesty.
Quality is our company's life blood, and its driving force.